Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Positive Contractions

Positive Contractions

Be careful. Some contractions can have two or three meanings. For example, he'd can be he had or he would. It depends on the rest of the sentence. Look at these examples:
  • He'd like to go. (He would like to go.)
  • He'd finished when I arrived. (He had finished when I arrived.)
The contraction 's (= is or has) is not used only with pronouns. It can also be used with nouns, names, question words and words like "here" and "there", for example: The train's late. John's arrived. Where's the phone? Here's your change. There's a policeman.

Short formLong form
I'mI am
I'veI have
I'llI will/I shall
I'dI would/I should/I had
you'reyou are
you'veyou have
you'llyou will
you'dyou had/you would
he'she has/he is
he'llhe will
he'dhe had/he would
she'sshe has/she is
she'llshe will
she'dshe had/she would
it'sit has/it is
it'llit will
we'rewe are
we'vewe have
we'llwe will
we'dwe had/we would
they'rethey are
they'vethey have
they'llthey will
they'dthey had/they would
Negative Contractions >

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