Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Negative Contractions

Negative Contractions

With the verb "to be", two negative forms are possible - we aren't or we're not etc.
In questions, am not is contracted to aren't, for example: I'm late, aren't I?

Short formLong form
aren'tare not
can'tcannot, can not
couldn'tcould not
daren'tdare not
didn'tdid not
doesn'tdoes not
don'tdo not
hasn'thas not
haven'thave not
hadn'thad not
isn'tis not
mayn'tmay not
mightn'tmight not
mustn'tmust not
needn'tneed not
oughtn'tought not
shan'tshall not
shouldn'tshould not
wasn'twas not
weren'twere not
won'twill not
wouldn'twould not
Other Contractions >

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