Thursday, June 6, 2013

Used to do

Used to do

We use used to do to talk about the past. It is not a tense but it is like a tense. It is a special expression. We use the expression used to do for the past only.
Do not confuse used to do with with the expression be used to. They have different meanings.

Structure of Used to do

The structure is:
notmain verb
+I  usedto do.
-Ididnotuseto do.
?Didyou useto do?
Used or use?
  • when there is did in the sentence, we say use to (without d)
  • when there is no did in the sentence, we say used to (with d)

Use of Used to do

We use the used to do expression to talk about:
  • an activity that we did regularly in the past (like a habit)
  • a situation that was true in the past
I used to smoke.

Look at these examples.
the pastthe present
She used to work in a shop.Now she works in a bank.
He used to watch a lot of TV.Now he doesn't watch much TV.
They used to be married.Now they are divorced.
There used to be a cinema here.Now there is a supermarket here.
I didn't use to go swimming.Now I go swimming.
Did you use to smoke? 

Be used to »

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