Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Basic Question Types

Basic Question Types

There are 3 basic types of question:
  1. Yes/No Questions (the answer to the question is "Yes" or "No")
  2. Question Word Questions (the answer to the question is "Information")
  3. Choice Questions (the answer to the question is "in the question")

1. Yes/No Questions

auxiliary verbsubjectmain verb Answer
Yes or No
Doyouwantdinner?Yes, I do.
Canyoudrive? No, I can't.
Hasshefinishedher work?Yes, she has.
Didtheygohome?No, they didn't.
Exception! verb be simple present and simple past
 IsAnneFrench?Yes, she is.
 WasRamat home?No, he wasn't.

2. Question Word Questions

question wordauxiliary verbsubjectmain verb Answer
Wheredoyoulive? In Paris.
Whenwillwehavelunch?At 1pm.
Who(m)didshemeet? She met Ram.
Whohas runout?Ati has run out.
Who*  ranout?Ati ran out.
Whyhasn'tTaradoneit?Because she can't.
Exception! verb be simple present and simple past
WhereisBombay?In India.
Howwasshe?Very well.
*When who is subject there is normally no auxiliary verb in past simple and present simple.

3. Choice Questions

auxiliary verbsubjectmain verb OR Answer
In the question
Doyouwantteaorcoffee?Coffee, please.
Didshegoto LondonorNew York?She went to London.
Exception! verb be simple present and simple past
 Isyour carwhiteorblack?It's black.

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